With the COVID 19 pandemic now under control, the Department of Education has taken actions to revert back to in-person classroom instruction. Lord of Peace Learning Center has chosen to go for a face-to-face learning modality for its Kindergarten 2 to Grade 6. It has retained its online learning option through the use of a learning management system and Google Suite for Education platform. To this effect, LPLC has adopted the HyFlex learning modality.
The term HyFlex is a combination of the terms “hybrid” and “flexible.” Hybrid learning refers to learning that integrates complementary face-to-face (synchronous) and online learning (asynchronous) experiences. LPLC delivers face-to-face instruction to its students using digital learning content. Student learning assessments like quizzes, unit tests and quarterly exams are conducted online with the students using gadgets in the classroom setting. When classes are unexpectedly cancelled (during inclement weather and unannounced non-working holidays) students will do their lessons online. In cases when students cannot attend F2F classes due to extended out-of-town trips or sick leave, they accomplish online classes. In this setup, no student is left behind and no lessons are skipped. All digital learning materials are made available to the students 24/7.
For Nursery, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 levels, 100% F2F modality will be implemented in the school year 2023 - 2024.
To foster physical distancing, grades 1-6 classes will only have 15-20 students per classroom while preschool classes will have 12-15 students. Disinfection and hand washing are part of the routines during class hours. Students and teachers should wear face masks at all times. The whole school campus shall be observing mandated health protocols.
Quizzes, long tests and exams are going to be conducted online even during face-to-face classes. In addition to the usual school things, students will be required to bring to school any one of the following gadgets: tablet and smartphone to be used for the above-mentioned online activities. Bringing a laptop to school is not encouraged due to its high risk status. Usage of their gadgets while in class shall be strictly for classroom activities only. LPLC will adopt strict guidelines on the use of gadgets not only in the classroom but in the whole school campus as well. LPLC shall make sure that its internet connection is adequate for all students’ use during online activities.
Online learning modality is still going to be available in the school year 2023 - 2024 for those enrolled at LPLC from outside of Cotabato City.
LPLC adopts the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) provided by the DepEd. From this matrix, LPLC Online Instruction Lesson Plans emanate. These plans are converted into multimedia platforms with corresponding provisions for how the lesson is to be delivered, and how the students’ development of knowledge, skills and attitudes are assessed. This will cover all the subjects across all levels, from Preschool to Grade School.
In consideration of most parents in LPLC who are working, one week worth of lessons in all subjects will be accessible online for one whole week (7 days) inclusive of weekend to allow parents to attend to their children’s home-based learning. The parents are given the freedom to make their own schedule in tackling the lessons for as long as all of the lessons for the whole week are covered and all exercises, assignments, drills, projects or performance tasks and quizzes will be submitted on time. The students will be given goal charts to help them make their study schedule. Online meetings of teachers and students will be scheduled once or twice a week through Google meet in order for the teachers and students to have real time interaction.
The class will utilize two modes of learning or instruction:
- Individualized instruction where the students will access essential knowledge of the topic by viewing an instructional material presented in a multimedia platform (video, PowerPoint presentation, Google Drive files, weblinks, etc.) prepared by the subject teacher and uploaded in Google classroom. This is the asynchronous mode.
- Guided instruction where the pupils meet the subject teacher according to a prearranged schedule to hold an online lesson presentation or to hold formative assessment sessions. This is the synchronous mode.
These two modes of learning will be conducted across all grade levels.
The pupils will be able to interact through video conferences, Stream feature in Google classroom, group assignments (for higher grade levels) and other collaborative tasks.
As previously mentioned, lessons will be uploaded on a weekly basis. Each subject has a daily lesson with corresponding instructions including the exercises, drills, performance tasks, etc. that accompany the topic. However, each family will be given the responsibility to structure their own learning schedule at home depending on the availability of the parent or responsible adult that can supervise the student during online learning sessions. Each day should be planned such that certain subjects’ learning goals and tasks are accomplished. In this set up, it is the parents’ or guardians’ primary responsibility to ensure that learning sessions take place and learning objectives and tasks are achieved. Subject teachers are available for consultation on a per need basis and once weekly schedule through video conference or meeting.
LPLC has subscribed to GSuite for Education making it possible for lessons to be delivered through Google Classroom using different multimedia formats to suit students’ various learning styles. LPLC has also engaged the services of a digital learning content service provider that offers Moodle LMS. Teachers may choose instructional videos, eBook, and PowerPoint presentation with voice over, Google Slides with voice over, links to educational sites, interactive tools and others. With digital platforms, many things can be done to promote learning.
This will depend on the family’s chosen schedule for online classes. Each subject’s instructional material can be viewed in a range of 10- 20 minutes depending on the student’s grade level and on the subject. Preschool instructional materials are very short but there will be exercises and drills on each topic. If all subjects will be covered in a day, class hours may take up the whole morning. The rest of the day can be spent on performance tasks, assignments, drills and other seat works.
Yes. The subject teachers will check the pupils’ attendance in two ways: through the student’s login activity to the lessons for the day on a daily basis and submission of daily assignments or written work. The teacher will still keep an attendance record. This is also to monitor pupils’ participation in individualized online instruction and in guided online instruction. Although the family has the responsibility to make their own learning schedule, the student needs to login every day.
Not necessarily at specific times but on a daily basis depending on the agreed upon schedule by the family. The school’s schedule of classes will still be followed wherein certain subjects will be tackled on MWF and other subjects on ThF but the whole week’s lessons stay uploaded for 7 days or one week. But then again the parents or guardians can make their own schedule provided all of the lessons in each subject are covered and all subject requirements for that week are submitted completely and on time and the student logs into his/her online classroom daily.
The students can spend the remaining time of the day working on assignments, projects or performance tasks, collaborating with other learners, individual consultation with teachers and doing other tasks relevant to the topics for the week’s learning sessions.
Assessments can be done in a variety of ways. There will be quizzes, tests, assignments, and reports that the teachers can use for assessment. Teachers can require the students to appear on video while taking the assessment. Pupils can also be assessed during video conference times.
Preschool students are required to have textbooks. Grade school students are going to use textbooks on selected subjects. Teachers may also prepare downloadable or printed activity sheets or modules to serve as added resource materials for the topics being studied.
Online classes will be graded just like in the regular way. Formative and summative assessments will be conducted online. All student activities are communicated online which can be performed online or offline but will be submitted online. The grading system that the school has been using will be applied.
The success of online learning hinges largely on two factors: home and school support.
The parent/responsible adult is required to assist the school by:
- Assuring that the child studies the learning materials and does school work on a daily basis according to schedule set by the family;
- Making sure that the child doesn’t browse social media networks, gaming sites and other Internet sites not specified by the teacher;
- Checking that the child accomplishes the daily learning goals as previously agreed upon by both parents and child (ren);
- Establishing a daily routine for the child to follow;
- Setting up a learning environment at home that is conducive for uninterrupted and distraction-free sessions.
- Monitoring the child’s progress and comprehension.
- Encouraging and motivating the child to learn.
- Reminding the child to observe proper behavior.
- Teaching the child to be an independent learner.
- Consulting with the teachers on the child’s academic progress.
To prepare the child for this kind of learning, IDEALLY, the following materials will be needed at home:
Desktop or laptop:
- The computer should be able to support online activities such as Google Classroom, Google Meet, and should also be able to support access of web browsers like Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer 10 or later for Windows.
- An iPad or tablet can also be used or a mobile phone but a bigger screen is better to give the child higher visualization of onscreen lessons.
- Built-in camera and microphone
- Internet connection
- Headset or earphone with a microphone if you don’t want your child to be distracted by ambient noise
- Printer for print outs of activity or practice sheets
The school offers support such as:
- Technology Support
- Student Services
- Academic Support
- Feedback System
The parents will be provided a way for viewing class schedules, announcements, teacher conferences and other notifications and also to provide feedback.
Yes, it shall be done online 2 weeks before the classes start. Schedule and manner of orientation will be sent out to enrolled students.
LPLC and the parents concerned will meet together to discuss arrangements to accommodate the student’s situation.
In homeschooling, the parents’ guide their child in learning. They assign work to their children but there’s flexibility, creative solutions and a way of being together through schooling. It is PARENT-LED and learning takes place all day long in many different, creative avenues. Homeschooling is a family lifestyle and has no time limit.
Home-based or at-home learning or distance learning is TEACHER-LED. The teacher delivers the lessons in alternative format, gives assignments, quizzes, drills and projects that the students are expected to complete at home. Students have a set time to do school during the day and it is the parents’ job to ensure that the students accomplish the lessons for the day. This type of learning has a time limit and lasts only for as long as it is necessary just like in this pandemic.
As previously stated, lessons are uploaded in a 7-day time frame. There will be plenty of time for the students to catch up in case lessons for the day are missed due to connectivity problems. However, the students will be marked absent for the times that he/she failed to login.
Students who reside anywhere in the country can enroll as online learners provided they meet LPLC admission requirements.
Statement of account will be sent online to the parents.
School fees can be paid online through LPLC designated bank accounts. The proof of payment is sent to LPLC official email account.
The key is scheduling of classes since the lessons are available 24/7. It should be noted, however, that when new lessons for the incoming week are uploaded the previous lessons become inaccessible.
LPLC devices an alternative rubric for rating the students’ deportment and will work collaboratively with the parents/guardians.
LPLC strives to stay true to its vision and philosophy despite the great shift in learning delivery. Christian Living Education and Values Education are still part of its core curriculum. The students will still be molded in the core values of Faith, Character and Excellence and the practice of the traits embodied in L.O.R.D.’s way is still going to be expected of them. In this type of learning modality, practicing the L.O.R.D.’s way is even more advantageous to the students because they need to be responsible, disciplined and diligent (to be more specific) in order for them to achieve their daily learning goals and to become more independent learners.